
I welcome various viewpoints on this blog and look forward to lots of amazing discussions. As a general rule of thumb, comments should positively contribute and help people be healthy and happy. Please back up assertions with logic and/or science. In order to keep this a positive online environment there are 5 simple rules…

1. No name-calling or personal attacks. Your comment will be deleted if it contains personal attacks against other posters.

2. Keep religion and politics out of it. As this is purely a health blog, I reserve the right to delete comments with religious or political overtones.

3. Do not give out false health information. False health information will be deleted.

4. Before you make a comment, read the whole article.

5. Do your best to use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Finally, I reserve the right to erase any comments for any reason and ban anyone I believe is causing a disruption to positive discussion. Thank you:)

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