Get your Carbohydrates from Fruit, Vegetables, Beans and Whole Grains

  Carbohydrates are sugars and starches that your body can easily convert into energy. For physically active people it is important to have carbohydrates for energy. However, unused calories from carbohydrates can be easily stored as fat. So, if you eat more carbohydrates than your body can use as energy,… Read more“Get your Carbohydrates from Fruit, Vegetables, Beans and Whole Grains”

Stay Healthy with 20 Minutes of Fun a Day

You can make yourself dramatically healthier by doing 20 minutes of physical activity. Really, that’s all it takes, 20 minutes, five days a week.. This will reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and several types of cancer. It will also make you feel better and probably happier. [Source Tom… Read more“Stay Healthy with 20 Minutes of Fun a Day”