Healthy is Attractive

RED CROW Marketing estimates that we are exposed to between 4000 and 10,000 advertisements a day. These ads influence what we buy, what we think and how we think. Almost all of us are exposed to movies, TV and the internet as well. It is well documented that the media has a major influence on what we think about attractiveness (Link). Media often shows us people who are more fantasy than reality as these two videos demonstrate.


It is sometimes hard not to compare oneself to the unattainable standards of attractiveness that the media portrays. Unfortunately, comparing oneself to the fantasy people we see in ads and in movies usually makes us less happy and can contribute to things like eating disorders, anabolic steroid use and an unhealthy obsession with beauty.

In University I went on a few dates with a model. All models are not shallow but this particular model was kind of awful. On the third date, I remember her saying she wanted to leave the ice cream shop we were in because there were too many ugly people. I was pretty appalled. Needless to say, that was our last date.

The reality of attractiveness is very different from what the media portrays. Our looks are only a small part of what makes us attractive to other people. Personality, common interests and even our pheromones (smell) all play huge roles in people’s attraction to each other.

We should all strive to be the best versions of ourselves. This means being positive, pursuing your interests, pursuing education/ career that will allow you to be self sufficient, keeping yourself healthy and generally looking your best. If you do these things, you can be pretty sure people will find you attractive.

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