Get your Carbohydrates from Fruit, Vegetables, Beans and Whole Grains


Carbohydrates are sugars and starches that your body can easily convert into energy. For physically active people it is important to have carbohydrates for energy. However, unused calories from carbohydrates can be easily stored as fat. So, if you eat more carbohydrates than your body can use as energy, you will gain weight in the form of fat.


How can you eat enough carbohydrates to give you energy without gaining fat?

You need to balance the carbohydrates you eat with the energy you expend. This involves being active, not overeating carbohydrates and choosing less processed carbohydrates that release their energy slowly.

Not overeating Carbohydrates is tough for some people. When we were hunter gathers, carbohydrates were in short supply. Because they offered us a quick burst of energy and potential for fat storage, our bodies have evolved to crave carbohydrates, especially high glycemic index carbohydrates.

The refined and processed foods we have developed in the contemporary world are designed to give us what we crave: a quick burst of energy in the form of high glycemic index carbohydrates.  With processed carbohydrates we tend to overeat to get energy and store fat. Even worse, some processed carbohydrates like high fructose corn syrup actually can make you feel hungry even when you are full.

We should minimize these highly processed carbohydrates…

  • White Bread/ White Flour

  • High Fructose Corn Syrup

  • Sugar

  • White Rice

  • Potato chips/ french fries


Which Carbohydrates are Good?

Most of our carbohydrates should be from  fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. These less processed carbohydrates are generally high in fiber so they make you feel fuller sooner and take longer to digest. The fiber also keeps food and waste moving quickly through your digestive system.

Less processed carbohydrates usually also have a lower glycemic index than similar processed carbs. Thus they release their energy slowly enough so if you are leading an active lifestyle you can use the energy from them instead of storing it as fat.

These high carbohydrate foods are generally healthy…

  • Fruit

  • Vegetables

  • Whole grains and Sprouted Grains

  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Beans

  • Quinoa

6 thoughts on “Get your Carbohydrates from Fruit, Vegetables, Beans and Whole Grains

  1. healthy is the way to go says:

    How many servings of fruits and vegetables are enough for a teenager in one day? I have tried eating vegetables and fruits but I am always hungry! what else can I eat that is healthy besides just fruits and veggies?

    1. captainhealth says:

      6 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables would be great! As it says in the article, an active person is going to need the energy from minimally processed carbohydrates like whole and sprouted grains. I particularly like pasta and beans for long lasting energy.

  2. esnom says:

    What is the best way to control eating carbohydrates? Like is there a food or drink that makes you not crave carbohydrates?

    1. captainhealth says:

      You can control eating carbs by eating healthy foods instead. For example if you want something savory have some nuts instead of chips and if you are craving something sweet have a piece of fruit instead of something with processed sugar.

  3. The Flash says:

    Are there any drinks that give us carbs? If so, please tell me which ones give you a lot of carbs, and which ones don’t give you as many carbs.

    1. captainhealth says:

      Soft drinks are generally loaded with sugar and/or corn syrup. A lot of energy drinks are also loaded with processed sugars.

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